Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Tool #5: Producing with Web 2.0 Tools

  1. I used the Wordle tool last year as a way of letting the students know who I am and as a way for them to show me who they are. Each student made their own Wordle showcasing things that they want me to know about them...we then printed them and displayed in the classroom. The sample one below can be found at I also created an Animoto video about myself to show my students at the beginning of the year. I can see me having the students use Animoto to show what they know or have learned about different science or math topics throughout the year...the free videos are only about 35 seconds long, so it would be easy to show everyone's in class. 
  2. Wordle: attleson Try our video maker at Animoto.
  3. (see embedded tools above)
  4. I explained above how I would use these two tools in my classroom. I plan on trying out some of the storybook tools when I have a little more time because I feel that the students could use those to create non-fiction books about their science topics, or fiction stories using certain math concepts.

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