Thursday, August 9, 2012

Tool #10: Underneath It All - Digital Citizenship

1. I believe that the main thing that I would want to make sure that my students understand about being good digital citizens would be to not believe everything they read on websites and not to use the first piece of information that they come to when researching. Another topic that I would bring up would be understanding the appropriateness of the information that they are placing on their websites, facebook, twitter, etc., that future employers or higher educational institutions would be able to see (leaving digital footprints). The last main topic would be teaching how to appropriately share information with others so that the wrong people end up with their information.
2. I did like the "Mouse Tales" YouTube video ( I found on the Ed Tech website for a way to show how to be a safe and responsible technology user. It didn't appear to be to 'childish' for my fifth graders, and it did a great job of modeling the incorrect and correct ways to be responsible with certain classroom technology tools.
3 Using information from the website,, I would use a lot of the following topics to 'teach' the idea of digital citizenship to my students: digital ethics, cyberbullying, commenting responsibility, leaving digital footprints, and validating sources. I discussed a few of these topics in #1 above.
4. I would tell the parents of my students that the most helpful thing that they can do at home to promote digital citizenship would be to model for their children the correct way to use technology.

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